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Some of this software has been developed to work with our upcoming MonBox Remote Monitoring Appliance. For more information on the product release, please watch this page, follow our blog, or contact us. genoa -- GEneric NOtification Author/Arranger/ArtistGenoa is an easy way to format custom notifications for Nagios using simple templates. You can easily set up different templates for different types of problems or different hosts or services. Notifcation commands in Nagios object definitions become simply "genoa -s" or "genoa -p". Genoa was first introduced in my talk at Nagios World Conference North America - 2012 and was written at FreshBooks. Download genoa version 1.0 in genoa-1.0.tar.gz. MBdivert -- Redirect Monitoring Service Checks Based on Hostname, etc.MBdivert is a tool to divert monitoring service checks through an intermediate host (such as a firewall, gateway, or a MonBox Remote Monitoring Appliance). This can be done relatively transparently, with minimal (or even no) changes to your existing monitoring system configuration. It was originally written for use with Nagios systems, but can be used with other monitoring tools. It currently "diverts" service checks using SSH or NRPE. MBdivert was also described in my talk at Nagios World Conference North America - 2012. Download MBdivert version 1.3 in mbdivert-1.3.tar.gz. tellitto -- Notification Tool for Pager, SMS, etc.Tellitto is an easy way to try multiple methods to send SMS or pager messages to individuals, trying different methods in turn until one succeeds. It was originally written for use with Nagios notifications, but can be used as a generic (simple) SMS/pager frontend. It works nicely with genoa. Tellitto was first introduced in my talk at Nagios World Conference North America - 2012 and was written at FreshBooks. Download tellitto version 1.0 in tellitto-1.0.tar.gz. Get it at github: https://github.com/syonex/tellitto check_temperscheck_tempers is a Nagios plugin to check the temperature (and humidity) reported by PCsensor products, such as the "gold" TEMPer USB thermometer. check_tempers can check the results from multiple devices in one check. check_tempers can also generate MRTG-style output. check_tempers uses a simple "temper" wrapper script around the "read-all" command from the TEMPered software package and so likely only works on Linux (as TEMPered requires HIDAPI and libusb).
Download check_tempers version 1.1 in check_tempers.
Modified NRPEWe wanted to be able to use NRPE (Nagios Remote Plugin Executor) and pass arbitrary arguments to the remote plugins, which isn't quite possible with the standard NRPE 2.12 (from nagios.org). So, we added the ability to run plugins directly from the NRPE daemon (via exec()), rather than through a shell (via popen()), and make it possible to pass quoted arguments and arguments containing shell meta-characters to remote plugins. Download the SYONEX modified version of NRPE 2.12, nrpe-2.12s1.tar.gz. snagtools Nagios PluginsWe have a small collection of nagios plugins ("snagtools") available in a tarball here. Updated to "version 1.0" November 10, 2008. A short description of the plugins is in snagtools_README.txt. timestamps - timestamp files for tracking state or progressSometimes you need a simple way for processes to hand off simple information or flags between cooperating processes. Get it at github: https://github.com/syonex/timestamps DownloadsOr you can browse the downloads directory directly. |